It is What I said I thought it was, though I thought I never had Chicken Pox, Doctor said I had to have had them to have this...It Usually happens only once and when folks are older it is much harder, glad I got it out the way, folks who had chicken pox it is already Dormant Inside them. My Nerves and worrying probably triggered it. This shit aint No Fawkin Joke.
They give you antiviril to speed the process, By that I thought the meant, skip some of the Steps in the Process and PAIN......WRONG!
It only means it will speed up the same exact process, instead of it peaking a little at a time it happens all at rushes the process, but there is no getting around the process...PERIOD!

When Chuck saw my back and chest he said DAM!!!
Big Momma said when she saw it she started to send an email back saying
Until she noticed my tatoo lol..
Then To add insult I ate 2 bags of hot peanuts not realizing that was a big NO NO..
Peanuts, chocolate..Until it has run it's course..

NOW I know whay the doctor had a lil smirky smile when I asked could I continue
using the Calamine.His look was like.."Yes you can but it will do no good you are going
to feel the pain and short of Morphine, which for something temporary like this I would never Take,
I will be feeling a bit of pain with the Ibuprofen..

Just need to calm myself.. Iwoke up feeling a lil better and went to moving like a hamster
on a wheel and that shit shut me right down right quick...

I'll be just Fine though and as I said glad I got it out the way cause I've read and heard the Horror
stories of how folks have suffered during this shit.

Ok I'm getting a bit worked up typing this so I goota go.
Hope all is well on your end with  you and Jah. Love Ya..Later..

Oh , one good thing did come from it, The Nurse was so fine -lol
Chuck said he heard her laughing through the door. You know Imma Comedian..πŸ˜†
She got carried away and pushed me on my shoulder,THE FAWKIN PAIN, and the look I gave her you could see the fear in her I cooley said, after staring for a moment,

"So what time should I pick u up"

She said "HUH? "

 I smoootly said.....

"for Dinner?"

I thought she would be shook but she cooly responded..

"Between 7 and 9 will be fine"

 and as she walked away she looked back and said..

"If you're late thats the same as you shouldn't even come"

I laughed and said

" Well I guess I WONT Be there "

Her Mouth dropped, and she quickly caught her composure and hit me with A

"Oh you'll be there"

And switched Her Fine ass Off the the Hallway ...

Never to be seen again I 'm guessing  lol..
But the Bather was nice..

Lets me know My Player Chops still in tact..

As if there was ever any questionπŸ˜›πŸ˜œπŸ˜πŸ‘